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Daily Activities

Social Interaction



Daily Exercise Progamme is fun and adaptable to all residents.
Whether you stand on your balcony,sit on a chair  or come down to the courtyard the half an hour programme will get you swinging and also keep you fit and iof it doesnt get you fit it will defintiley make you laugh.


Every week we have a bingo session ,lots of laughs and some sweet prizes to be won.

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Arts & Crafts

At the Cosmopolitan Village we definitely have our share of inspirational creative people,so we created the Hobbit Room,a room where you'll find everything from a darning needle to a ironing board, artists share their talents in this great atmosphere.

Village Van

The Village van allows us to explore Auckland and beyond and also provide bi weekly shopping trips,gone is the hassle of trying to find a

car park ,leave that to us .



Cosmopolitan Village

17 Geddes Terrace | Avondale | Auckland 1026 | New Zealand

Ph 828 2885

©2024 by Cosmopolitan Village.



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